Saturday, February 2, 2008

Over 195,000 miles!  People occasionally ask about the Colt's mileage, and when I tell them, they respond with- "Oh, you're so close!  You'll easily make 200,000 miles!"  And less than 5,000 miles doesn't seem like much, but I'm still pretty skeptical about the Colt's chances.  I hit 195,000 about two weeks ago, and I probably won't get to 196,000 for another couple months.  But at this point, I need to drive a little over 700 miles every month to reach 200,000 by the end of August. As things currently stand, I'm not driving nearly enough.  

I've always wanted to drive cross-country, and a few years ago I thought that such a trip would be a great send-off for the Colt.  I could drive as far as the Colt would take me before breaking down.  Plus, my sister just moved to California, and I'm planning to visit her in the summer anyway.  So what better excuse to take the Colt on a little road trip?  That's Plan A.  It's a good idea in theory, but a little ambitious.  Plan B, as suggested by my brother, is to drive the car in circles around my town for days on end.  This way, if something goes wrong, I'm not too far from home or from my trusted mechanic.  Possibly more realistic, but also a big waste.  Plan C is to take smaller, more manageable trips with the Colt.  While this is probably the best way to go, I still can't quite give up the idea of a cross-country trip.

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