Sunday, February 10, 2008

More trouble with the Colt.  Last Tuesday I hopped in the car to go visit a friend, but didn't make it more than three blocks.  It had been raining for several days, and my car never seems to run as well in the rain as in dry weather.  This time, as I was beginning to accelerate up a small hill, the Colt started to brake lightly when I pressed the gas pedal. (I still haven't figured this out).   After a few seconds I felt the car stall out, and I coasted slowly to a stop in front of someone's driveway.  David came to my rescue and we jumped the car, and I got it back to my apartment.  I didn't try to drive it again until the weather had dried out, and things were fine on Thursday and Friday.  But then, on Saturday morning, the car wouldn't start at all (I needed to get to a testing center to take the Praxis, a reading-writing-math test that I need to pass in order to get my Counseling Certification.  This was bad timing.  Come to think of it, the Colt has always seemed to let me down at big moments. I think I need to compile a Top Ten list of places the Colt has left me stranded).   

Anyway, the car is still in my driveway.  I'm waiting for dry weather (and for the weekend to be over) so I can get it to my mechanic and have it fixed.  My fingers are crossed for an easy and cheap solution to the Colt's latest issue.

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